Users need to understand the processes, forms, and data they’re interacting with.
Help can be provided in a lot of different ways. When and how you provide help depends on the amount of help needed, the type of process/interaction, and your target audience. Too much contextual help can actually make interfaces harder to understand, but insufficient help will frustrate new users.
Popovers with definitions/descriptions when hovering over a label/term/word
“Learn more” links and “Information” icons
Dotted underlines
Use this for term definitions when a term may not be obvious to your target audience.
Assignee: Smith, John D.
Input field focus popover
Use this when the information is only relevant once the user has focused the field.
“Learn more” links
Use “Learn more” links to provide additional help text only when the user needs it. The links can reveal additional text in the form of a popover, a dedicated help page, or by expanding the text.
“Information” icons
Use “Information” icons to provide explanations and elaborations for titles and panels.