Dialogs provide the user with a focused way of accomplishing, confirming, or viewing something without entirely leaving a screen or page.
Dialogs are useful for interactions that are relatively quick (less than a couple minutes)
Dialogs float above the application until the user has taken a desired action or dismissed the dialog
Dialogs can be used for managing settings, editing/creating simple objects, confirming an action, or any other set of information/actions that warrant not leaving the page
Dialogs are usually opened from a click action
Dialogs may or may not block interactions “behind” or “under” the dialog (see modes)
If there is a non-destructive dismiss/cancel, dialogs can be closed by clicking outside of the dialog
Header / title bar
Short and concise title
Sentence case title
Dismiss (X) icon if a non-destructive ‘cancel/done’ is applicable
Can contain text or UI controls focused on a particular task, process, or entitiy
Can scroll independently depending on the content, creating a pinned header/footer
Contains action buttons
Primary action buttons are right aligned
Cancel/previous buttons are left aligned
Use button styles that match the actions/priority, but if there more than two buttons with similar actions/priority, use the default button style for them all
Buttons should use action verbs that describe by themselves what will happen on click (e.g., ‘Delete user’ instead of ‘Ok’)
Start of Dialog
Rename file
End of Dialog
Find and replace
Thank you!
Your request has been submitted.
A confirmation dialog is short, simple dialog that ensures the user is performing an action intentionally. This is especially useful for dangerous or irreversible operations.
Delete this user?
All user information will be deleted.
Abandon changes?
You have unsaved changes. Your changes will be lost.
An actionless dialog may block user interaction for a period of time, usually until something finishes or some other event occurs.
Uploading document...
Dialogs can prevent the user from performing actions behind/around the dialog if desired. There are 3 general modes:
Modal: A modal dialog prevents the user from interacting with all other areas of the application until the dialog is dismissed.
Modeless: A modeless dialog allows the user interact with all other areas of the application without dismissing the dialog.
Mixed-modal: A mixed-modal dialog may block some areas of the application, but not others. E.g., a dialog pertaining to one document, but not another visible document.